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Posts tagged: Subway Musician

Jul 12 2012

‘Manhattanhenge’ over Times Square on way home from busking last night :)

Jul 10 2012

Louise Hauck – a fellow vbrational entrainer of the NYC Subways

The other day I heard a wonderful Futurist, Intuitive & Author, Louise Hauck on Coast to Coast Radio. What I heard inspired me to reach out to Louise as a fellow energy worker & this is her fabulous response 😉


Subway Angels

Submitted by illuminator on July 9, 2012 – 8:11pm
Subway Angels

I was touched by this email from a Coast to Coast listener. She heard me talk about “entraining” others onto a higher vibrational frequency — especially on planes and trains!

Hello Louise,
I have just finished hearing you on C2C and it was both inspiring & made me giggle as I am (among other things) a busker (singer/guitar player) of 6 years in the NYC Subways. I recently have moved onto the train cars to busk as the heat has gotten pretty rough in the city. It’s a different world on the train cars versus the platforms and one thing I’ve noticed is that during the 3 1/2 minutes or so that I’m singing, the sound & energy can actually raise the vibration of those on the train car.

I always prep myself prior to going into the trains – surrounding myself with light & as I call them, ‘my subway angels’ to keep me surrounded by only good vibrations, allow me to do my work & keep the cops away 🙂 When I get on the car I look around at all the people and get a gage of where the vibration is starting from – then I usually choose the one person who is sighing, probably having decided that I should be thrown off the train 🙂 I choose them to channel my energy & sound through. It’s so fabulous, by the end of the song, how the formerly ‘unwelcoming’ person with the scrunched up face will have softened…eyes often closed, having absorbed the sound & vibration that’s been raised throughout the car.

I’ve had many awakenings from my many experiences under the streets of New York, in the NYC subways, the latest being what I am experiencing vibration-wise on the train cars, my intuition becoming quite heightened. Sometimes, I actually invite the higher entities who channel through me in the train cars, to take a verse, a note, a phrase of a song here & there, now & then. I love to let their energies assist in the raising of the vibration of the people who I encounter. This is why I busk, this is why I spent 6 years writing a book, ‘The Subway Diaries’ to share with the world the phenomenal energetic experiences that exist underground the city of New York.

It’s such a fabulous and magical journey we’re all on & I hope more than anything that everyone can get even a small taste of these fabulous & powerful energetic worlds that exist for all of us 🙂

Thank you for your touching stories on C2C – I’ve never heard anyone else, other than myself, speak of the energetic experiences on the NYC Subways – it’s a rich & magical playground for energies to play in & was happy to hear your experiences there & elsewhere.

Love & Light
Heidi Kole
The Subway Diaries



May 16 2012

Favourite Feedback of the day ♥

My favourite feedback of the day from a guy who didin’t talk…he got my heart with this ♥ (excuse the blurry train pic – lotta movement on the #1 🙂

May 06 2012

Best Amazon Review of the week ~

Best Amazon review of the week of The Subway Diaries by Lawrence Daly – Lawrence you rock ♥

“Heidi Kole’s spiritual & musical journey through the magical world of subway performers is a must read for anyone who is trying to find joy & meaning in their life. The only thing more fascinating than the people and circumstances she encounters is what Heidi learns as she navigates the twisted tunnels and crowded subway platforms of the underground. Through her eyes we see that angels are all around us, joy is often found in the most unlikely of places and being awake and aware allows all of this and more to flow to us with ease. As Heidi learns about herself as an artist, musician and a human being, she teaches us that living your passion is the key to true happiness. She also shows that if you are searching for the road to enlightenment, you might just find it in the most unconventional of locals and with the help of the most unlikely of souls.”

May 03 2012

Seeking – Busking Sherpa :)

Ok – now that I’ve braved the train cars, I’ve got my ‘train legs’ down, I’ve only popped myself once in the face w/tuning pegs of my guitar & have mastered the vibe/rhythm of playing the trains, but the one thing I’ve yet to figure out is how, when I’m playing guitar & singing, I can finagle dollars people wave at me before the tune is done…I think I need a busking sherpa 🙂

Apr 24 2012

On air today w/ Truth Connections Radio!

Tune in today @ 8PM to Kathy Buckalew ‘s mind expanding show, Truth Connections Radio http://truthconnections.wordpress.com/ & http://www.blogtalkradio.com/truthconnections – hear my tunes played & listen in for special Truth Connections offer of The Subway Diaries!

Truth Connections Radio



Jan 01 2011

End of 2010, Ushering in 2011 & HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL!

2010 was a trip for everyone it seems. It appears no one’s pretending otherwise or to be sorry 2011’s here. That being said – I always seem to find a way to dig the ride regardless of how bumpy. In the spirit of ushering out the ‘bumps’ of 2010 & ushering in 2011 with a huge exhale here are a few images of the last few days here in NYC. The blizzard  hit hard, so you’ll notice very few involve my 2nd home, the Underground ’cause, as you’ll see nothing was moving here, not even the trains. However you’ll get to see what happens when nature dumps all it’s excess snow on us in one go & how we here in the Big Apple celebrate a new year! Feliz Ano Nuevo everyone! May 2011 grant you your wildest & most creative dreams & don’t forget to dream big! 🙂

The snowstorm hit with vengeance leaving vacant 42nd Street in it's path

More snow & an empty 42nd St from 45 stories up

Not much movin'!

Outside window in my building on the day I wished I owned snow boots 🙂

Poor bike!

Abandoned car

After the storm, one of the last sunsets of 2010 over the Hudson - looks like summer, right? Well, except for the snow 😉

On to NYE in Manhattan, after a day of giggin' underground to every NYPD on the force as they patrolled the city NYE style, I was lucky enough to sepnd it w/ friends & my favourite pooch, TONKA! 🙂 I'm one happy girl!

We have fun : )

On the roof of my friend's apartment watiing for the ball to drop in Times Square. It's what we do here 🙂

After the ball drop - happy, happy!

Me after midnight : )


Oct 12 2010

Quote of the week ~

Friend – “So, you been in jail?”

Me -“Me? No!”

Friend –Really? …Wow just seems like you’d be someone who’d been to jail…”

(One of my rapper friends while we were walkin’ along in Times Square havin’ a discussion on music, the street…being arrested & the like.)

NOTE: I’m takin’ ideas on the ‘right’ response to this?  Ideas? Please, do share … : )

May 04 2010

Been silently meandering the city…finding mischief, of course : )

Naked Cowboy, Times Square, NYC, NY

Apr 22 2010

The ‘Verdict’…

First of all, I had to get up way earlier than I or any musician should have to just to get to this stupid hearing for singing in the NYC subways. That in and of itself was enough disruption to make me a tad grumpy, not to mention what I had to show up for. I got up early & I got myself up to the 18th Pricinct on 54th & 8th. I just prayed that it’d be over quickly and that I wouldn’t say or do anything to make matters worse for myself. Those were my two hopes walkin’ up to court.

18th Precinct/Courthouse on W54th where I, and a million others, spent the morning

I walked in, there were more cops standing in that narrow hallway than any hallway should hold. It looked like the DMV except everyone was dressed in blue. Most of them were lined up, backs lazily leaning against the window that faced the street,  leaving just enough room for the stream  of, well, ‘us’ to pass through. I was told to put my stuff on the conveyor belt to be scanned and to walk through a metal  detector just like the kind in the airports. I beeped for some reason so I had to spread my arms and stand there like a scare crow while yes, another cop waved his magic wand over my back and front.

‘Wow, isn’t this fun?’ I thought to myself.

“Do you have a camera in here?” the cop behind the conveyor belt asked.


“We’re gonna have to take that ’till you’re done”

‘Great…that no cool shots for me…’ I thought. “Ok” I answered. “But I’ll forget it when I leave. I just know it”

“No, you won’t forget it, we give you this piece of paper, just hang onto it to get  your camera back.” And the cop handed me a whisper thin piece of yellow tinted paper that had my name, ticket number  and the item listed on it.

“So what are you here for?” One of the cops lined up like a pigeon against inside of the glass  asked, his  left leg bent up behind him as if he were outside a bar, smoking a cigarette.

“Singing” I  turned my head around to answer him.

“For what?”

“Singing, in the trains”

“Unbelievable”  the cop shook his head back and forth, still holding onto his ‘bar stance’, “Unbelievable”

“Yeah, pretty rediculous, right? Your tax dollars at work” The cop just kept shaking his head back and forth in disgust.Well, at least one of the ‘pigeons’ was on my side.

“So, how long does this stuff usually take?” I asked as I gathered up my, fully x-rayed belongings.

“Hours” the x-ray cop said

“Days” the wand cop said

“Weeks” the cop at the door entrance added

“This is not the place ya wanna be if you’ve got somethin’ to do” The talking pigeon cop confirmed

Even though I felt as if I were in the middle of a well-rehearsed three Stooges movie with all the rapid fire banter coming at me, I continued with my quest to try and find out when I’d be out of the place,  “Oh, great,  I’ve got a show today. If it takes too long can I re-schedule it?”

“Nope” The x-ray cop chimed in again, “Well, you can but you’d have a warrant out until the next hearing”

“Super, that’s what I need” I spouted off as I pulled the industrial door to the courtroom open to take my place in line.

“They’re goin’ pretty fast today, so you might not be there that long” the pigeon cop encouraged as I walked through the door.

The court room had the same laid back, overly bored vibe as the hallway had. Too many cops and not enough to do was my first impression. It was a medium sized room, low  ceilings, about the size of a middle school lunch room with rows of wooden benches for ‘us’ to sit in, side to side all lined up in a row. All this lining up and protocol was making me very uncomfortable, but I complied. We were not allowed to sit in the first two rows.  Each of us learned that as we walked in,  saw completely empty seats and attempted to sit down. There was one large female cop sitting right in front of the empty benches whose only job was to say to each and every person who tried to land on the roomy wooden seats, “Not in the first two rows”, which was predictably misinterpreted each and every time as “First two rows”, like an instruction to sit there. Consequently,  every single time she’d have to repeat herself when the person continued to sit in the off limit area. With each repetition of the instructions she would add more hand gestures to make her point until the plaintiff finally got it and moved back to sit with the masses in rows three and higher.  After watching this movie about 15 – 20 times I kept thinking, there’s just gotta be a more efficient system here. A sign, a rope, something…

I found a seat, in the third row and tried to ‘blend in’. Almost immediately my name was called and I followed some man in a dark suite up a few stairs onto a landing where the man explained that he had looked over the ticket and he felt it was not written correctly so he was going to move to  have the matter dismissed.  “I feel we have a good chance to get this dismissed .” he said proudly referring to his ‘loophole’ discovery.

‘Ah, he’s  the lawyer…ok’

“Well…” I said, not wanting to offend the ego of the one person, besides the ‘pigeon cop’ of course, who was supposedly on my side,   “Well, I don’t want to seem rude or anything, but would  you mind taking this letter I have from MUNY just in case, you know, just in case your plan…which I like a lot, doesn’t work?”

“I don’t need any letters”

“Well, I know, but would you mind holding onto it…just in case?”

“Well, let me see it” I handed Tim’s letter to him.

“You’re part of MUNY?”


“Well, I’ll hold onto it, sure and we’ll use it. As a back up, but we probably won’t need it.” and he continued barely taking a breath,  “So, here’s  what you can expect. If it’s dismissed of course that’s clear, you get to leave. He might though put a stay on it and as long as you stay out of trouble for the nest six months, you’ll be ok after that.”

‘Six months, six months…there’s no way I can guarantee this won’t happen again for the next six months’ I thought to myself, and stammered, “But they do this to us all the time, that’s gonna be almost impossible for six months…you know, underground, with the cops and all…”

“Well, don’t worry about that yet.” The lawyer continued, (‘Easier said than done, you’re not the one with the ticket.’, My brain ruminated.) “Now, the other route the judge may advise is ‘Quality Of Life Training”‘

I snapped out of  daydreaming  about how a subway musician guarantees no ‘trouble’ for a full six months, “Are you kidding me? There’s  actually something called Quality of Life Training? Wow, I’m gonna have a real  hard time not laughing when I get up there with that one.”

“Oh, no, don’t do that. Don’t laugh. The Judge doesn’t like laughing”

“I’ll try” I promised, still giggling under my breath, “But seriously, who came up with this stuff?” The lawyer shook his head, trying to stay focused. “Wow, lotta good my College Education did me if I end up in need of “Quality of Life Training.” The lawyer finally broke and laughed as well.  “I’ll do my best on not giggling, but I guarantee  you it’s gonna be tough.” And I walked back to my seat on the third bench.

Well, after that conversation I had enough food for thought to keep me busy for  a while. I mulled over the  ironic fact that I’d auditioned and was hired by MUNY to actually improve the quality of life in the trains, yet there I sat, on a hard wooden bench that was about as comfy as a straight jacket, waiting to see what verdict the city would have on the matter. As I ruminated over irony I noticed that only three to five minutes were given to each person causing the cases to run by in rapid fire succession. ‘Gosh, I wonder if the judge ever makes a mistake running this fast through the cases…’  Above our heads was a large flat screen TV with each person’s name on it, the alleged ‘crime’ they were there for; crimes ranging from prostitution to panhandling and everything in between, as well as the attorney representing them for the day. ‘Wow, ya come to New York with the goal  of seeing your name up on a large flat screen at some point in time, but , God, not like this!’

As I sat there I was  kept surprisingly boredom-free. Between watching cases get tried in rapid fire succession, the oversized flat screen flashing name after name, the coming and going of the accused and still trying my best to digest the logical basis for “Quality Of Life Training” (that was still a most rediculous comical quandry  to me) – I was kept surprisingly entertained.

Then the judge took a ‘break’.

‘A break? Really? A break? Are you kidding me? You guys don’t get a break with a room full of accused prostitutes, thieves, bootleggers, ‘aggressive panhandlers’ and me. That’s unacceptable.’ I thought to myself. ‘Ugh, I wonder how long this ‘break’ is gonna be’

As the pace of the room ground to a halt, I became antsy and wished to God I was done and back  out on the streets of Manhattan, in the sunshine. Just then more of ‘us’ came in. In a steady stream person after person filed into the court room ’til every seat on the benches (except the first two of course) were filled.

I soon found myself sandwiched between a meticulously dressed black guy who kept brushing off his suit and brief case, on my right and a Turkish guy on my left, both holding the same piece of paper in their hands. I was curious why they had a paper and I did not. I snuk a peek at the Turkish guy’s paper when he was busy chatting with his Turkish buddy he’d brought along for moral support. To my surprise the top of the paper read, “Quality Of Life Agreement”. No way! It’s for real! Wow.

During a break in the Turkish chit chat and giggling of my left hand Quality Of Life Candidate guy, he turned to me and asked, “So what are  you here for?”

“Oh, singing. Singing in the subways” this seemed a bit too confusing for the Turk so I saved him any more confusion and switched the focus to him. “How about you? What are you here for?”

“Peeing in the street” He answered very matter of factly with a thick Turkish accent.

I finally laughed out loud, suddenly giving the “not in the first two rows” cop an additional job; to glare at me. I put my hand over my mouth and grinned widely under my palm. “Really? Are you really here for that? That’s funny”

“It’s booolsheet” the guy responded, “I did not even know. In my country, it is not illegal.”

“Ha  ha,  well welcome to New York where  the oddest things seem to be illegal.” I said, still looking at the QOL contract in his lap and hoping to God I’d not have to sign one of those.

Then it hit on me, I was flanked by two guys who pee in the street. ‘Great, this is so not where I  wanna be on a Tuesday morning’

Half an hour passed and the court room started up again, case after case was tried, the accused stood in front of the judge, (each language with it’s own interpreter), cops peppered the room, continuing to look bored enough to  fall over, and people came and went depending on what their verdict was.

At one point the judge declared one guy, who’d been there 17 times before for selling bootleg  parefanalia, was to go to jail. Suddenly some garbled words were half shouted by one cop as she scooted right up to the side of the bootlegger. She immediately looked over to her collegue who, up ’till now,  had been doing paperwork, and waved him over with a circular motion of her wrist. The paper cop, pointed to himself and mouthed “me?”, the female cop nodded. Up bolted the paper cop and almost in one leap landed at her side, his hand grabbing tight to his handcuffs still attached to his belt. The words “jail” were whispered here and there in between the cops  and they seemed  to snap, all of a sudden out of their never ending stupors, now awake, almost overly excited.

‘So this is what these guys get a thrill out of? This is the high point of their day? This is what makes them feel important? And this is what they’ll tell their buddies at the bar about later tonight? “Yeah, dude, you shouldda seen it, I almost got to use my cuffs on a guy goin’ to Rikers, but the judge let him off’. But I was right there, ready to use ’em.” Gimme a break.’

Then the judge, who appeared to be more fond of spouting lessons than of incarcerating people, revoked his former decision of sending him to ‘the island’ which I assume was Rikers, and let the dude go for the 18th time. He let him go with a substantial lecture which all had to be translated, but, yeah, he let him go.

As the now free man walked out of the court room, proud and with a bounce, pulling his cap low over his eyes to look extra bad, the cops who had formerly flanked him in excitement, dispersed, bodies now limp and bored again, the ‘paper cop’ flicking his handcuffs so they made that intimidating ‘drrrrrrrrrrrrrlck’ as he sauntered back to his papers. Awe, the rookie cop didn’t get to play with his handcuffs today. Poor baby.

Then suddenly I heard my name. I scooted over the street-pee’r to my right and off the third bench to stand beside the lawyer. Facing the judge, I noticed how  surprisingly friendly he looked up close. The lawyer presented his well thought out case with the utmost of pride.We waited.


More silence.

The judge wasn’t buying it.


“And your honour, I have here a letter. Heidi is part of MUNY”

“Let me see the letter” the judge calmly said.

I waited as he read the letter Tim had written on my behalf, feeling so glad I’d pushed for the lawyer to hold onto it, you know…’just in case’.

The judge looked up, and I swear he was half grinning as he said, “Dismissed”

‘Yeah, right? This whole thing is tupid, right?’ was all that was running through my mind.

I picked up my bag and thanked the lawyer.

“Thank the judge” the lawyer instructed me.

“Oh, thank you!”  I said with a smile of gratitude as I walked out, following in the exact path recently made by Mr ‘arrested 17 times and I’m still a free man’.

I scooted out of the courtroom, courthouse and out onto the street, more than glad to be in the fresh air and sunshine again. I walked home looking toward my gig up in Harlem in a few hours and realized as I reached my  apartment that in fact, yes I’d left my camera up at court. ‘Damn! I knew I’d do that, see? I wonder how many free cameras those cops end up with each day?’ I mulled as I changed into my gig clothes and put my gear together, figuring I’d just swing by the court house on my way up to sing in Harlem. I fumbled around in my bag, found the thin yellow paper the cop had given me as a guarantee to not forget my camera,  and stuck it in my pocket as I walked out the door to make some more “Unreasonable Noise”

Keep on rockin’ the Underground!