The Subway Diaries - Adventures of a Subway Musician, Press, Radio Interviews | Heidi |
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Barnes & Noble, Blogtalk Radio, Books, Busking, Differen Voices, Happy, Heiid Kole, Music, Poet Minor, Radio, Singer, Subwauys, Subway Face, The Subway Diaries, Transit Museum, Underground
Check out Minor’s show @
Press | Heidi |
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Amazon Review, Barnes & Noble, Heidi Kole, Holiday, International, Music, NYC, New York City Subways, Proposal, Reviews, Ring, Singer, Subwauys, Subway Face, The Subway Diaries, Times Square
Everything, including books these days are so homogenized, pasteurized, modified, and packaged by the major media and corporations telling us what we want to hear so they can sell the most product.
Not Ms. Kole! She fights “the establishment,” tells it like it is and gives us a real glimpse into the vibrant and thrilling world that exists in the New York underground, a world most of us New Yorkers just walk on by without giving it another thought. Her funny and engaging stories are a real breath of fresh air in a stagnating literary world. Bravo to Ms. Kole for doing something real! NYCQTA ~
The Subway Diaries - Adventures of a Subway Musician | Heidi |
Comments (4)
"A" Train, Amazon Review, Barnes & Noble, Blogtalk Radio, Book, Busking, Centanni Radio, Guitar, Heidi Kole, Holiday, Holiday Specials, International, Music, Musician, New York City Subways, Reviews, Singer, Stunts, Subway Face, The Subway Diaries, Tour, Truth, Underground
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