This is gonna be fun – Tonight at 7PM EST YOU are the guest ♥
Tonight on in5d Radio, Gregg Prescott and I will be be having Open Lines and will be talking about the “Dark Night of the Soul” & how it’s now affecting your contribution to “The Shift”
We would love to hear from you as many people have either gone thru (or are going through) this experience, so please share your experiences, what you learned and what advice you’d like to share with our listeners! Mark your calendars & call in! 646-716-8890
And here’s the replay in case you missed tonight’s show
People always ask me “Heidi why are you always upside down doing handstands or up there dangling from lampposts?”
Me: “I’ve realized I have to be upside down at least once a day to make this right side up stuff make any sense at all” <3
Busking is much like Reiki ~”Serve others without the expectation of compensation” & oddly…it all works out ♥
Guy with multiple cameras hangin’ from his neck: “So, I took some photos of you & here’s my card”
Me: “Ok, thanks”
Guy: “So I took some photos of another girl who sings down here & is an actress & she also wore shorts with tights just like you. And that’s what I specialize in”
Me: “In what?”
Guy: “Photos of girls in shorts with tights, or stockings or…”
Me: (to myself) OMG ick!
***Below = Danny’s face on overhearing the entire conversation – Priceless 🙂
For those of you who have been fans of & followed The Subway Diaries for the past 8 years, our way of life is literally under attack (once again) here in NYC. Please sign & cut/past & share this petition as it’s our one chance to continue making art here in this once vibrant city. If you have questions about the reason for the petition – please see my blog directly below
~ Namaste & please help the art live here in NYC ~
Last week I attended a community meting with reporter Greg Mocker of PIX11 NEWS & fellow busker Bathabile Mthombeni. We, along with other NYC buskers were covering & speaking out against the city’s proposed crack down on buskers here in NYC. I do not think any of us foresaw the City Council ruling so quickly and so harshly on this subject. But they did & we are now facing fines in the hundreds & at times in thousands of dollars for making music & art publicly here in NYC.
It saddens me greatly to see this happen to such a vibrant and formerly artistic mecca such as NYC. This ‘sanitization’ of such a once eclectic city is going to ultimately make New York City into nothing more than an overcrowded cement version/clone of every other city in the US. Contrary to the belief of ‘the powers that were’, it’s not the money or power that makes NYC a fantastic & magical place to visit, it’s the overflowing of creativity that spills out daily, nightly, hourly, minute by mintue onto the streets of this small East Coast Island. Remove that & you have…well, Wall Street & cement. Not something I’d pay to see or visit.
We buskers here in NYC have fought a long, hard & extremely tiresome fight to keep our voices, music & art heard & seen. Daily as we put ourselves in the public eye we risk arrest, ticking, fines, confiscation of our belongings & physical beatings by the NYPD. It’s not an easy gig trust me, but we are artists and when you are an artist nothing, (not even Bloomberg’s ‘third largest army in the world’) can stop you from expressing what is in your soul. We are not paid puppets of the establishment with huge sums of money backing us. We are not on highly funded mind controlled music or art campaigns being flown all over the globe to spread political or other agendas through music & art. We are true artists who do this because we must express & uplift. It’s not just how we eat, it’s how we breath.
I am, as are so many other street musicians & artists, hoping & praying we can somehow overturn this ruling. Here is the ruling voted on over the weekend:
On Monday, April 22nd, 2013, at 7PM EST, 4PM Pacific and 12 Midnight UK time, our guest will be animal communicator and healer, Els Basten. In the second hour of chat, Els will be taking phone calls from our listeners, so feel free to call in and ask Els a question!
We’ve got a great tour lined up for you guys this Friday w/ gifts, music, surprise raffles & more! We even have some special guests joining us: travel writers here for an NYC Travel Conference & Vayable Photographers! If you’ve not yet reserved your spot, now’s a really good time to do so & to reserve your spot go HERE –
Cheers & see you Friday!
For those who missed last night’s show, it was awesome! Kelley Rosano joined us and showed how the Boston Bombings were tied into astrology ~We covered a WIDE range of topics including the collapse of the matrix, Pluto in Capricorn, Boston Marathon, bombing, lightworkers, reptilians, the Golden Age, energy vampires and much more! Check it out!
Highly impressed by NYC’s Rockin’ Origami skills last night Underground 🙂