Fellow busker & friend, Jia Doughman you moved me to tears today with this gift of original music. I’m sharing it with my The Subway Diaries friends so you, too, may benefit from her amazing healing music


My underground friend Danny’s take on President Trump – “I like Mr Trump. I think he’s a good man. My daughter worked for him at Trump Towers as a concierge & he always treated her really good. So good that she bought a condo on Park Avenue that’s now worth over a million dollars. I like Mr Trump. He’s a very generous man” Danny – The Subway Diaries#GeecheeDan #TheSingingDragon #Danny #Busk

I always describe NYC Buskers (and the homeless for that matter) as “Urban Sociologists” as we are observers. We function on energy, on feeling versus thinking, the latter being what most of this particular city runs on. Innate & intricate observation of humanity & that 6th sense is how we survive, thrive & change other’s energy underground.
Today, standing on a busy corner on 10th Avenue I heard a tap, tap, tap and saw the red tip of a white cane, closely followed by an elderly man who clumsily rounded the corner, obviously not sure which direction he was to move next. I stopped & was just about to offer him help him when he said; “Can someone help me across the street?” I put my arm in his & said “I’m happy to help you. Which direction are you headed, Uptown?” “Yes” the elderly blind man said.
As we slowly walked across the street, everyone else scattered in all four directions without even noticing the elderly blind man, nor his plea for help. He asked my name, introduced himself as Joe & asked;”Where are you headed? I wondered if you could walk me to my bus stop?” “I’m headed where you’re headed. I’m happy to walk you Joe” I responded.
As Joe & I walked slowly up the hill towards 57th Street, he asked me what I did & he told me he lives in a group home & goes to a community center in the day to keep his mind occupied. “How is it where you live?” I asked “Oh, it’s ok. sometimes the people are…well…kind of a pain….” “Yeah, sometimes people, can be a hassle right?” “Sure can” Joe replied. “Probably’d be easier to live with a bunch of puppies” I chimed in, always choosing the fur babies. “Sure would!” Joe replied. Joe & I rounded the corner and I settled him at his bus stop. “Bye Joe. It was lovely walking with you & hang in there at your home” “Bye Heidi & thank you very much”
As I walked away scurrying to my appointment I was now late for, I felt grateful. Grateful of that 6th sense & to connect with someone who needed help, in the middle of this mad, concrete island. I know this is a busy face-paced city but my short visit with my new friend was literally the best part of my day & I wondered how many others on that street corner might have also benefitted from the gift of meeting & walking with Joe. I just happened to be the lucky one 

Left in my guitar case. Thought it pretty spot on to share at this point in US & mostly human history ##Busk #Love #Compassion #Serenity
Happy new Year & Buckets Of Love from the New York City underground !

Best busking compliment ever is when a straphanger comes up to you after your song & says: “I was on the train & got off when I heard your voice” #SubwayLoveTonight (Photo – Henning Fischer)

Last night on my way home from speaking on all things Subway at The New York Public Library, there was an elderly woman our lobby, struggling to walk to the elevator. I helped her in with a friend & then I walked her to her door & made sure she was settled. Despite her real struggle to walk, I was struck by how upbeat & chatty she was, talking & giggling about life, how she ended up out in the hallway alone etc. Along the 1/2 hour journey to get her back home safely I asked her; “Tienes familia aqui in Neuva York?” (do you have any family here in New York?) Her response along with her consistent bubbly demenour floored me especially in it’s contrast to her struggle just to take a step on her own ; “No, pero, la humanidad es mi familia” (No, however, humanity is my family). I smiled & respnded; “Para mí mismo, yo cantaba en el metro y la humanidad es también mi familia ” (Same for me. I sing in the Subways & humanity is my family as well) I hugged her & thanked her for allowing me to walk with her as I left admiring her seemingly unbreakable faith in all things good.
#NYCNY #Humanity

Today I’ll be speaking & answering questions re the underground & busking in NYC NY, along with Kurt Boone & Matthew Christian of BUSKNY. Stop on by!

No matter who you voted, or didn’t vote for, slinging hate & blaming another for your sadness is not making this country nor planet a better place to live. Neither a President nor any one human can ever be your saviour. And it is dangerous to give that kind of power to any one human being.
A president can open the door, but we are the answer, the only answer to everything we see in front of us. The only way for you to have a voice & not get swallowed up by the globalists is to find a way to make a real difference in this world & do it.
The globalists thrive on division & fomenting such sentiments only feeds the beast. Find your passion, cultivate your passion, follow your passion & know you are a supremely powerful being.
Sending prayers for love, cohesiveness & much thoughtful & critical thinking before any action is taken