My underground friend Danny’s take on President Trump – “I like Mr Trump. I think he’s a good man. My daughter worked for him at Trump Towers as a concierge & he always treated her really good. So good that she bought a condo on Park Avenue that’s now worth over a million dollars. I like Mr Trump. He’s a very generous man” Danny – The Subway Diaries#GeecheeDan #TheSingingDragon #Danny #Busk


Danny & me shootin' the breeze under NYC
I sang, he sang & then we did a little impromptu duet version of “Crazy Love”
Click link to listen to the ‘platform version’ of the tune 🙂
Danny & Me & an impromptu “Crazy Love’ on Uptown A C E 🙂
Tonight I got to share the platform w/ my most favourite busker/musician/human being in the whole world – Danny aka The Singing Dragon – of “The Subway Diaries” fame 🙂
Here’s just one of our exchanges from the evening 🙂
Me to Danny: Hey Danny, it’s slow over there at the other end, I’m going to the Uptown 1
Danny: Really? Well, I’m not gonna be that long, you can have this spot if you want it
Me: Really? But you just got here. I don’t want to cut you short…
Danny: Girl, you know I make my money. You know I’m just like a leprechaun & this here (points to platform), this here is my pot-o-gold. You know I always got my pot-o-gold 🙂
xoxo Danny ♥

Danny & me
The Subway Diaries - Adventures of a Subway Musician | Heidi |
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Author Singer, Bukser, Busking, Danny Smalls, Heidi Kole, NYC Subways, NYPD, POTUS, President Obama, The Singing Dragon, The Subway Diaries
Ran into Danny @ Times Square last evening. We both set up on different ends of the platform, he on the coveted #1 spot, me on the 2nd choice, and after about 20 minutes I packed up & came over to hang out with him before deciding on my next location…
Me:”Hey Danny its kinda slow down here, even with all these people…how come?’
Danny “The President’s in town & he’s got all them po-lice with him” he spouted with his thick South Carolina accent, putting all the emphasis on the “po’ when he spoke the word “police”. “Those po-lice they suck up all the energy.”
Classic Danny 🙂

Danny & Me : )