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Posts tagged: Times Square

Mar 16 2014

Busking Love & Lipgloss

So I was busking the “R” tonight & this girl laden down with tons of shopping bags looked at me as I approached the door after my tune: “I don’t have any cash, but I have lip gloss…” she said with a mini question mark at the end of her offer. “Oh it’s ok, I don’t want to take your lip gloss” I said to shopper-girl. “No, no I have tons of other stuff, really it’s brand new, it’s Clarins. Take it, really – your singing was so lovely I want you to have it” #buskinglove
2014-03-16 18.38.53
Feb 01 2013

An evening sharing the A C E w/ my favourite soul of the Underground : )

Danny & me shootin' the breeze under NYC

I sang, he sang & then we did a little impromptu duet version of “Crazy Love”

Click link to listen to the ‘platform version’ of the tune 🙂

Danny & Me & an impromptu “Crazy Love’ on Uptown A C E 🙂

Jan 23 2013

Vayable Tours of the Underground start off w/ a bang!

Hi guys – so I was approached by a reporter for the website http://www.vayable.com requesting an interview with me about busking the Underground of NYC.

You may be asking…What is Vayable? Well…

What is Vayable?

Last Updated: Sep 28, 2012 09:17PM PDT
Vayable n.\ˈvī-ə-bəl\A marketplace that lets people to discover, book and sell tours and activities worldwide.

The term is a combination of vaya, which means “let’s go!” in Spanish and viable, which means “capable of living, growing and developing adequately.”

Our mission is to enable entrepreneurship, cultural exchange, community-building and exploration worldwide by empowering people to share experiences with others.

At the heart of Vayable is a community devoted to experiencing the world better. Vayable enables people to not only share their stories, but to invite others to participate in them. This is the future of travel. We believe that by taking a trip, you can change the world.

Anyway – The reporter, who was looking for 5 ‘New & interesting New Yorkers” to profile for Vayable came underground with me & interviewed me for a few hours, then suggested I create a profile for a tour if I felt so inclined…so I did!
Yesterday was my first tour, booked by a guy named Pedro in San Fransisco for his sister Anotonia & her friend, (both from Chile) for Antonia’s birthday. Needless to say we had a blast. Antonia got so many renditions of “Happy Birthday” sung to her in so many different styles, accompanied by so many different instruments, one can only imagine 🙂 We traversed East to West & I’d lined up my most favourte buskers to play, sing & chat with her along the way.
Here’s her review:  “The tour was amazing! I beeing for three weeks in nyc but I had never looked the subway like that. Your going to be able to hear really good music and know a little bit of the history the musiciens down there. Also Heidi is an amazing singer!” ~Antonia P.
And a few shots from our maiden adventure underneath the streets of NYC 🙂

The Vayable girls with Cathy Grier aka The Subway Girl

Bathabile & her ax w/ the girls standin/ by : )

Bathabile welcoming the two world travelers 🙂

Danny & his two newest fans 🙂

I’m looking forward to showing you all the magic beneath the Big Apple!

Jan 13 2013

No Pants Subway Ride & angelic Choir at St Matthews

The thing about busking “No Pants Subway Ride” is, although super entertaining…well, there are no pants & no Pants – No pockets – No pockets – No cash 🙂

                                                                                          Photo – Caryn La Greca www.carynlagreca.com

So I took myself on an adventure uptown & to the East & somehow was pulled straight into St Matthews as I saw they had special music today. Anyway, putting all we know about the church aside – how beautiful this boys choir was. The sounds went straight into my bloodstream & really ‘got’ to me. I clicked on my cell phone & captured some of it here for you guys – enjoy 🙂

Angelic Boys Choir this afternoon NYC NY

Oct 20 2012

When your work…

When your work is your meditation, your joy, your healing, your passion – you’re about as lucky as you can get #the♥ofbusking

Sep 21 2012

The Love of Busking ♥

All I could think every time I stepped onto a train car this evening to busk, looking at all the exhausted faces & bodies crammed together, side by side, the motion of the train car pulling them left, right, left right was: ‘You are all so brave to be here at this point in time. You are all so so brave to have incarnated at this point in history with such immense shifts taking place. You are all so brave & you might not even know it. I love you & this song is for you’ ♥ of busking

Jul 27 2012

NBC Universal just bought my Subway Storm Footage for the 2012 London Olympic Games!

And the ‘Subway Storm Footage’ adventure continues…just finished signing contracts w/NBC Universal as they’ve asked to use it in their NBC Olympic Promo Coverage for the duration of the 2012 Olympic Games – wild-n-crazy times : ) More to come ♥

Jul 26 2012

Storm clouds over Manhattan

Tonight we had a tornado watch out for all of NYC – the skies were ominous

Jul 20 2012

Chatting w/ Greg Mocker on NYC’s PIX 11 News on Rain Music Busking & The NYC Subways

Underground fun w/ PIX 11 News – Greg Mocker & I chat, sing, banter on music, busing, subways and … of course rain 🙂
Greg Mocker: “Here comes the rain again… i talked to the musician behind the subway rain video. Good to finally meet ya, Heidi Kole!”

PIX 11 Interview below

Jul 18 2012

Summer Storm hit NYC while busking the 1 train today

A fast & furious Summer Storm ploughed through NYC driving home stronger than ever that the infrastructure of the NYC Subways has a bit to be desired. The following photos & videos are from 34th Street, Penn Station after only 20 minute of rainfall … you do the math 🙂


