The Subway Diaries - Adventures of a Subway Musician | Heidi |
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Barnes & Noble, Books, Busking, Different voices, Guitar, Heidi Kole, Holiday, Music, Musician, NYC NY, New York City Subways, Performers, Singer, The Subway Diaries, Underground, Union Square
After a Union Square busque – Poet Minor & I decided to pay an impromptu visit to “The Subway Diaries” @ Barnes & Noble. And in the few minutes we were there ran into quite a few fans. Yay B&N! 🙂 (Photos – Poet Minor)

Union Sq Busque

Barnes&Noble Union Square w/ Subway Diaries & fans

B&N & The Diaries & fan

Impromptu signing @ B&N, NYC NY

"The Subway Diaries" @ Barunes & Noble in NYC

Union Square MUNY Busque

Winter Busquing

Jammin' @ Union Square

Happy w/ "The Subway Diaries" @ B&N

Me & some fans @ B&N

Barnes & Noble w/ "SD" fan who was interested in doing documentary of story

Barnes & Noble @ impromptu holiday signing
Happy Holidayz! “la la la la la…”