Here’s the deal NYPD – when I surface one hr early from the trains ’cause someone’s warned me of ‘Undercovers on the cars’ & you ask me / beg me for a song as I’m walking home. I’ll sing for you, but only in exchange for a VALID “Get Out Of Jail Free” card. Got it? #busk #thesubwaydiaries #firstamendmnet

A friend & busk fan & artist, Hardy Wilms just sent me this he drew of me w/ the following caption; “You can paint it in colours of your choice” 🙂
I just LOVE this! Anyone wanna take a go at colouring in the most fabulous artwork?

A Busking Git 🙂
So how was celebrating an unmarried teenage mom giving birth in a barn, to a baby who grew up to be a prominent activist for peace and anti-capitalist values; who preferred the company of honest prostitutes to that of the religious elite; who challenged the prevailing beliefs in income distribution; who partook in radical direct action against the banking system, and was publicly executed as an enemy of state, for you this year?
shared from my uber creative friend, Karen Elliott who reposted from her uber creative friend, Jill Fyfe 🙂
The Subway Diaries - Adventures of a Subway Musician | Heidi |
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Busking, Donna Drake, Heidi Kole, Live It Up Show, Musician, New York City, Singer, Songwrtier, The Subway Diaires, Times Square, WLNY-TV
In between busking and ding voice overs, I’ve been interviewed madly these last few weeks. First I interviewed w/ Tyear Middleton of followed by an interview with the fabulous Donna Drake of “Live It up Show” – WLNY-TV, an impressive host commanding an audience of over 13 Million viewers and a most fabulous person.
Stay tuned for the air date of both interviews!

Host, Donna Drake, creator and host of 'Live It Up TV' & yours truely

Donna Drake & I
Stay Musical 🙂
The Subway Diaries - Adventures of a Subway Musician | Heidi |
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Author, Busker, Heidi Kole, Musician, New York City, New York Film Festival, Red Carpet, Spring In Her Step, Stunt Person, Stunts, Subway, The Subway Diaires, Underground
Hey guys – so you know the movie I went off to southern France to film/do stunts for in the middle of the book? Well…it’s finally time for it’s premier, which means it’s time for the cast & crew (including yours truly) to walk the Red Carpet. so, yes, I’ll be above ground for a night : )
Here’s the invite and some fun bits of info I thought you’d like to peruse – ya’ know, in case you were wondering how that all turned out…
Subject: Invitation To A Red Carpet
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 2010 12:25:39 -0700 (PDT)
Hi Heidi,
The New York International Film Festival has invited us to have a “Red Carpet” New York premiere of our film, “Tied To A Chair.” The event will be this Thursday, July 29th, 2010. As photographers, press and cable interviews are scheduled, the cast and crew are asked to arrive in their “red carpet attire” (fancy dress) at 7:30, or earlier if they would like to change when they arrive. All interviews and photographs are planned to be inside the theater where there is air conditioning! The screening will be at 8:00 P. M.
The theater is:
Village East Cinemas, Screen 2
181 Second Avenue (at East 12th Street)
New York 10003
and I very much hope you can attend.
Here is the link to the trailer:
The film received the “Best In Festival” Tammie Award at the Tamworth International Film Festival 2009, and here is the film’s first review, garnered at the Del Ray Beach Film Festival just a few weeks ago:
I do hope you can be there. I would love to see you.
Bonnie Loren – “Tied To A Chair”

Yes I walked the red carpet and did the interview thing but I just had to do some formal-wear lamppost danglin

...and a bit more - " I'm back to center"